import os import hashlib import sys from import Net import ol_gmu OL_SOURCE = '' OL_PATH = ''#os.path.join(common.plugins_path, '') class OpenLoadResolver(object): name = "openload" domains = ["", ""] pattern = '(?://|\.)(openload\.(?:io|co))/(?:embed|f)/([0-9a-zA-Z-_]+)' def __init__(self): = Net() url = str(sys.argv[1]) host = self.get_host_and_id(url)[0] media_id = self.get_host_and_id(url)[1] return self.get_media_url(host, media_id) @common.cache.cache_method(cache_limit=8) def get_ol_code(self): try: new_py = # common.log_utils.log('new_py: %s' % (new_pya)) if new_py: with open(OL_PATH, 'w') as f: f.write(new_py) except Exception as e: common.log_utils.log_warning('Exception during openload code retrieve: %s' % e) def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): # common.log_utils.log('host: %s' % (host)) # common.log_utils.log('media_id: %s' % (media_id)) # common.log_utils.log('OL_PATH: %s' % (OL_PATH)) try: # if self.get_setting('auto_update') == 'true': # self.get_ol_code() # with open(OL_PATH, 'r') as f: # py_data = # common.log_utils.log('py_data: %s' % (py_data)) # common.log_utils.log('ol_gmu hash: %s' % (hashlib.md5(py_data).hexdigest())) # import ol_gmu web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) # common.log_utils.log('web_url: %s' % (web_url)) return ol_gmu.get_media_url(web_url) except Exception as e: # common.log_utils.log_debug('Exception during openload resolve parse: %s' % e) raise def get_url(self, host, media_id): return '' % media_id def get_settings_xml(cls): xml = super(cls, cls).get_settings_xml() xml.append('' % (cls.__name__)) return xml