
9.3 SatChannelListEditor (Contents) (Main page)

This manual applies to version 5.4 of SatChannelListEditor (SCLE). In future releases,
possibly new features will be added, making the screen shots of this program obsolete.


SCLE has been programmed for the runtime environment " Microsoft. NET Framework ".
Currently .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher is required.

( also take a look at Wikipedia article . NET Framework )


  • In Windows XP .NET Framework version 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5 must be installed.

(3.0 and 3.5 are extended versions include version 2.0)

  • For Windows Vista and Windows 7 the .NET Framework librarys are implemented

in the operating system and do not need to be installed seperately.

  • In Windows 8 .NET Framework 3.5 must be installed. As Windows 8 by default,

only includes .NET framework 4.5, which is not compatible with SCLE


In Linux, the Mono framework is required (see article about Mono project) .
You may have to install WinForms libraries manually with "apt -get install libmono- winforms * "
You may then run SCLE from the command line with the command "mono SatChannelListEditor.exe ".

Mac OS

In Mac OS , just like Linux, the Mono-Framework is required to to run SCLE.

The first startup

After the first startup of SCLE the language is set to English and the receiver
model " UFS -821 " is selected. You now have to set the language and your
Receiver model to suite your receiver.

Select the receiver and its System you like to manage.

Setting the receiver model and type of operating system

Select the menu under " Options ", select " Settings" :


Select Titan in the window that appears as the receiver you wish to connect to:


After selecting the reciever type under the option " Titan " set the IP address of your Receiver, before
you close the window confirm the settings by clicking the OK button.
The other settings on this page should not be changed.


Download and upload the channel list

After the Receiver model and the IP address have been set, you can fetch the channel
list from your Receiver (Download) and after processing send it back to the Receiver (upload).
Use the Buttons in the Menubar of SCLE or in the Drop-down Menu:



When you start an upload or download the program will automatically change to
the message window where status messages are displayed for file transfer.

Edit the channel list


All TV and Radio channels are displayed in the tab "TV" and "Radio" in the main window
of SCLE. Normally there are several hundreds or thousands of channels in this list.
To simplify navigation on your Receiver you may add the channels to more than one Favourites list.
The Favourites also determine the channel number for easier and direct access with your remote control.
Create new favourites by clicking the right mouse button within the tree of favourites:


After creating the new Favourites entry assign the desired Name:


You may now add channels to your favourites by drag & drop of the channels
onto the Favourites entry or by clicking the right mouse button on the desired channel
and selecting Add to Favourites and selecting the Favourites Entry from the drop-down-menu:


Once a channel has been added to the favourites, a channel number is assigned.
The first channel in the first favourites is channel number 1:


When a channel is assigned to more than one favourites list, it additionally
obtains further channel numbers:


EPG favourite "EPG scan "

For TV channels there is a special favourite called "EPG scan".
Copy all channels you want to be included for the timed EPG scan, all channels in this list
will have their epg automatically scaned.



Creating and Editing Satellite entrys Switch to the "Satellite" tab. After clicking the right mouse button the
drop-down-menu is displayed, where you can create a new Satellite or edit an existing one.
Double - clicking on an existing Satellite also opens this for editing.



Creating and Editing Transponders

Switch to the "Transponder" tab. After clicking the right mouse button the drop-down-menu
is displayed, where you can create a new Transponder or edit an existing one.
Double - clicking on an existing Transponder also opens this for editing.



Creating and Editing Channels

Switch to the tab "TV" or "Radio". After clicking the right mouse button the drop-down-menu
is displayed, where you can create a new channel or edit an existing one.
Double - clicking on an existing channel also opens this for editing.



Using receiver profiles

If you have more than one Receiver, it is advisable to work with profiles.
Go to the settings and enable the checkbox "Use Receiver Profiles":


Enter a name for the profile, and click the "Save" button.
The profile will be created with the current settings specified under the "Titan" tab.
To create a profile for a second titan receiver, switch to the "Titan" tab,
enter the IP address of the second receiver, switch back to the "General" tab,
enter a new profile name and click on "Save" once again.

When you close the settings window by clicking the -OK-button- You will now
discover the new selection menu where you may choose your Receiver profile.


Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on 12/06/20 23:36:45